
Alumni Portrait - Ariane Burgelin




Hello Ariane, 

Who are you? 

Hello, I'm Ariane Burgelin I'm 25 years old. I am Artistic Director to my account specializing inillustration


What is your background?

I did a Bachelor in Graphic Design at Lisaa then my Masters in Art Direction atIntuit Lab School.


What did you like during your studies at EIL?

I think the Intuit Lab School taught me to cultivate a certain consistency and efficiency in what I do.

I have learned to really conceptualize and it is extremely useful in my writing work. I think that before my Masters at the Intuit Lab School I did not assume an identity of my own. It allowed me to create a global universe.

And to let go of the eyes of others.


What's your job ? 

For me my job is create stories.

As well in artistic direction when we invent a personality for a brand (or a product) as when I develop my comics. I see my job as a tool to create meaning where there is none. 


What makes you vibrate? 

This is a difficult question. A lot of things make me vibrate.

Sometimes a simple pebble on the side of the road like a sophisticated cathedral. I voluntarily cultivate an interest in a multitude of subjects which is what allows me to never run out of inspiration.

The power of the vibration, for its part, depends more on the chain of ideas that emanate from my discoveries.


Your landmark project? 

My ESA diploma project made a deep impression on me. By giving birth to this project I did a real job on myself. And it marked my current work. It really allowed me to define what job I wanted to do. This is also where the search for meaning seemed essential to me.


What do you recommend for future creations like you? 

I will advise them to dare as much as possible as quickly as possible. Getting started as independent creatives is quite difficult on a material level, but you shouldn't be discouraged until you've really tried it. If you have a passion for a particular field, taking material risk will only give you more energy and courage in the face of your work.

Don't give up on your dreams in the face of a comfortable life. 

Discover Ariane's universe on her website

And on his Instagram account:

Thank you Ariane and see you soon!
