international master intuit lab

New International Master's Design and Visual Communication

If you describe yourself as an individual who:

- Lives and breathes design
- Wishes to be mentored by the brightest minds in the world
- Seeks the challenge of honing your skills at a
renowned agency

Then, this 2-year long program would be an ideal choice for you to acquire desirable skills and expertise as
you internationalize your abstract.

Study in English at our 2 campuses in Paris or Marseille

Join us for October 2023!

international master intuit lab

our goal

Our holistic perspective integrates four key elements that drive our program.

Observing - research, analysis, information gathering, deciphering

Creating - experimenting, design thinking, challenging, eco-design

Crafting - the perfect fruition and expression of creative solutions
Fulfilling - finding inspiration and creating innovation as a designer

In short, better thinking, better designing, better communicating... from the heart

Master 1 - 1st Year

Full time program based on a series of Masterlabs built upon a multidisciplinary approach with a focus on interaction, exchange and curiosity.

Editorial design + Packaging + Computer graphics + Visual identity + Brand design + Marketing + Strategic planning + Brand content + Design Thinking + Retail design + Advertising creation + Design-writing + DA / photography + Project management + Digital Strategy + Semiology + Entrepreneurship + stress management and public speaking

Advantage to study in France

- Student Discounts in restaurants, movies, public transport (upto 50%), museums etc.

- Social Security cover if you fall sick

- 30% money back by CAF on rent

- Possibility to renew stay permit (APS) for up to 2 years

Allowed to work on side 20H/week

Certified Master RNCP level 7 (RNCP 34816) - diploma of level BAC (A-level)+5 years

Artistic Director in brand strategy and design

Go to RNCP website Go to RNCP website

Eligibility criteria and admission process

At least 3 years of a Bachelor's degree / diploma in design

A portfolio of your work

  1. Fill out the online application form
  2. Provide the required documents: CV, Bachelor's degree, Motivation letter, Portfolio, Proof of English proficiency
  3. Interview with a professor
  4. Announcement of the final list of 25 candidates

Fee Structure 2023-2024

 registration costs €0
  In Paris
Year 1 12 800 €
Year 2 0 € *

*There is no tuition fee for this year as it is funded by the government. Additionally, students would be earning during their apprenticeship at a company. (Regulated by the French government, students under 30 years of age, approximately earn 800 to 1200 euros per month)