Graphic designer: Salary, studies, diploma, profession

Everything you need to know about this unique profession


graphic designer in action

The world of graphic design is vast and diverse, offering a multitude of business for those passionate about visual creation, the question of salary arises for several professions, whether it is the graphic designer salary, the illustrator, or in 3D, etc. Are you wondering what the different professions are in graphic design? We are here to guide you through this creative panorama. Of graphic designer traditional, which creates visuals for printed and digital media, web designer, which focuses on designing aesthetically pleasing and functional websites, the options are varied.

There is also the artistic director, who oversees the visual aspect of projects and coordinates the work of other creatives, and the motion designer, specialist in animated graphics. Without forgetting the UX/UI designer, which ensures that applications and websites are intuitive and meet user needs.

Each of these professions requires a unique set of skills and a passion for visual communication. We encourage you to explore these various roles to find the one that most resonates with your creativity and career aspirations.

What are the different careers in graphic design?

By exploring the world of graphic design, we discover a fascinating, varied and, let's face it, sometimes complex range of professions. The graphic designer, of course, sits at the heart of this creative galaxy, juggling colors, shapes, and typographies to bring captivating visual messages to life. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Let's take a moment to broaden our horizon and consider other stars of this artistic universe.

For example, the artistic director, an iconic figure, orchestrates the creative vision of a project, ensuring that each visual element harmonizes perfectly with the others. Then there is the illustrator, a magician of images, who transmutes ideas into drawings, paintings, or graphics, bringing a unique and personal touch to each work.

Let's navigate a little further and find out the UX/UI designer, these user experience experts, who ensure that our interactions with digital products are as intuitive as they are rewarding. They work together to sculpt digital interfaces, bridging the gap between man and machine in a way that seems almost magical.

Finally, let's not forget the 3D animator, the modern-day alchemist, who breathes life into static models, transforming them into creatures that move with astonishing fluidity, in worlds beyond our imagination.

Each of these professions, my dear readers, offers a unique avenue for expressing creativity, influencing perceptions and, ultimately, shaping our visual environment. It's up to you to find the one that strikes your creative chord, and who knows, maybe one day we will admire your works in our daily lives.

What is the salary of a junior or senior graphic designer? (average, annual, net, gross, per hour, freelance, permanent, etc.)

Dear readers, we know that one of your main questions concerns salary in the field of graphic design. We, at the School of Design, put ourselves in your shoes to answer this crucial question.

Graphic designer salary

On average, a graphic designer's salary varies greatly depending on experience and employment style. A junior graphic designer on a permanent contract can expect a net annual salary of around €25, while a senior graphic designer can reach up to €000 or more. In freelance, it depends on the projects and reputation, but the average hourly rate fluctuates around €40 to €000.

Let's transition, fluidly, to other graphic design professions to give you a broader panorama.

Artistic director salary

Salary varies greatly depending on experience and industry. In general, a junior artistic director can expect a net annual salary of €30, while a senior can exceed €000.

UI/UX Designer salary

Essential in creating user-friendly interfaces, these professionals earn on average €35 at the start of their career and up to €000 or more as a senior.

Illustrator salary

Illustrators, with their unique creative touch, have varied incomes, especially freelance. An average salary could be €25 for a junior and €000 for a senior.

Model designer salary

A layout specialist, a junior layout designer can earn around €23 annually, while a senior can aim for €000.

Motion Designer Salary

Le salary of a motion designer junior in France is on average €28 to €000 gross per year, while a senior can reach €32 to €000

Product Designer Salary

Le salary of a product designer junior in France can expect an annual salary starting around €27, while a senior product designer can earn between €600 and €50.

Our opinion ? Graphic design professions offer a range of salaries as varied as the talents they require. However, passion and devotion in this field can often lead to lucrative and satisfying career progression. Each profession has its specificities, and it is crucial to continually educate yourself and train to excel and, consequently, enhance your profile on the job market.

What is the job of a graphic designer?

We understand your curiosity, you, who seek to unravel the mysteries of the work of a graphic designer. Together, let's explore this creative universe, where every detail counts. The graphic designer, artist and technician at the same time, brings visual ideas to life. He creates, innovates and communicates through various media such as posters, logos, websites, and much more.

Firstly, the graphic designer analyzes needs of its customers or its business. It then transforms these requirements into visual concepts, using creative software and tools. The creation of visual elements such as graphics, brochures, or digital interfaces is an integral part of his daily life. Its goal ? Send a message, in a way aesthetic and efficient.

We believe that the graphic designer is a visual communicator. He must constantly keep up to date with the latest trends and master various techniques to best meet market expectations. Creativity, adaptability and the ability to work in a team are essential qualities to excel in this profession.

In conclusion, the role of the graphic designer is central in the communication process of a brand or a company. He is not only a creator of images, but a true strategist who actively participates in identity and communication strategy. To you, future graphic designers or design enthusiasts, we encourage you to dive into this fascinating field, where each project is a new adventure.

How to become a graphic designer (studies, training, diploma, etc.)?

We understand your quest for information about the educational path to becoming a graphic designer. Let us guide you through the various pathways available to you, highlighting the key stages of your training.

First, consider thedesign school ou art school :

  • For a short training, aim for a BTS Graphic design after the baccalaureate, an excellent base to start.
  • If you aspire to more in-depth expertise, the DNAP or DSAA in graphic design, available after three or five years of study, may be your targets.
  • You can call on Intuit Lab which has a design school in Paris, An design school in Marseille but also in the world!

Within universities, the routes are just as rewarding:

  • A Bachelor's degree in visual arts or visual communication, obtained in three years, lays solid foundations.
  • To go further, the Master in Graphic Design allows you to achieve mastery of the subject in five years.

The specialized schools offer a targeted approach:

  • Qualifications certified after two or three years, such as in graphic design, mark the start of a great career.
  • For those aiming for the top, level 7 diplomas in artistic direction after five years of study embody excellence.

Finally, let's not forget the online training and certifications :

  • Courses on recognized platforms allow you to acquire specific skills and stay up to date.
  • certifications Adobe, for example, attest to your mastery of essential tools.

We firmly believe that education is the key to opening the doors to success in graphic design. However, remember that talent is also cultivated through practice, curiosity and an unwavering passion for design. Each journey is unique, and it is your dedication and your portfolio that will make your star shine in this creative universe.
